Fun Ferret Games

There are a lot of ferret games out there that you can play with your pet. You just need to find the one that is right for you and your ferret. A lot of the games out there are played at parties and other social occasions, and you’ll probably want to use one of those. But, if you don’t have a party to go to or you’re not interested in using one of those, here are some of the best games for your ferret that you can use at home.

Fun Ferret Games

Cat and mouse are a very common ferret game. First, you get the ferret started, and then you move around it, so it’s on the ground and hide. Your goal is to see where the ferret goes as you move around it. If it’s on the ground, it needs to come up to it and eat it. If it’s hiding under furniture or in the corner, it needs to find your mouse so that you can get rid of it.

Get Your Cell Phone Out is a lot like a cat and mouse except that instead of a mouse you are seeking your cell phone. You have to move around it so that it can’t just stand still and see you. The more times that you move, the better the chances are that the ferret will get up and eat your phone!

Hunt or Be Hunted is a great game that you can do at home. It’s easy to set up. Just put a pad of paper and some paper towels in your ferret cage and then start the hunt. When you catch it just pick it up and put it back in the cage.

Wall Jumping is another excellent game that you can use with your ferret. Just set up the wall and then have the ferret stand behind it and jump on it. If he can successfully make it to the other side, he’s in!

Place them on a bed of coins or pebbles and then have them jump over them. You can get the jump on the coins by placing them in a bowl of water. Wait until they jump and then clean the coins in the bowl so that they can’t be eaten! This game is great because the ferret can play it alone or with friends.

Food Chains is a game that you can do at home. All you need is some metal plates, a little bit of sugar and a toy such as a ball. And get ready for some fun: the ferret is the owner, and the toys are the owners.

Use the plates to make the ferret jump into the ball to get it through the rings of “food” until he makes it through all the rings. Then let the ferret come to you so that you can keep track of where it went. You can even record it to watch later and see how well he did.

This game of ours is a favorite that we’ve both played at home with our ferrets. Basically, you get two sticks that you can use to make an obstacle course. We just pile the sticks together and let our ferrets try to jump over them. They can touch the stick as they pass, and it’s easier for them to jump over it.

Here’s a simple game that you can play with your ferret: make a hoop or a jump rope with the ferret. It’s OK if the ferret falls off, but at least you’ll get the exercise that you need. Then, put a little bit of sugar on the end of the hoop and let the ferret jump on it.

Here’s a fun game that you can play: make a maze of pieces of cardboard that all have a long straight line on the top and bottom. Then each time the ferret jumps over one of the cardboard pieces, give it a little sugar! Then put another piece in the middle of the line, and the ferret jumps on it. And make sure to keep the line straight so that the ferret doesn’t fall.