What Kind of Toys Do Ferrets Like to Play With?

Which ferret toys do ferrets like the most? That’s a good question, because the right toys will help keep your new ferret happy. The best ferret toys are interactive ones that encourage natural behavior like climbing, tunneling, and exploration. Let’s look at some of the more popular ferret toys on the market today.

The Perfect Toy: Ferrets Chew Tiles Plastic toys are very popular among ferret owners because they’re durable, and they last longer than other, more common plastic toys. The Perfect Toy by iRobot is a unique combination of two completely different toys. First, it’s a soft and cuddly plush toy with a mouth-guard that your ferret can put his teeth into. Second, it’s a plastic tunnel you can build for your ferret using his supplied tunnel kit. This fun little toy comes with a plastic “bowl” and a bunch of holes cut in the top so that your ferret can enjoy his “dungeon.”

Ferret Tubes and Tunnels Make Great Ferret Toys Another great selection of ferret toys is tubes and tunnels. Just because your ferret likes sleeping in large open spaces doesn’t mean he won’t want to make his personal nest. He does just that with tunnels made from plastic tubes. Your furry pal can enjoy hours of sleep in one of these tunnels and then retreat to his favorite spot to snuggle up and relax. There are several different sizes of tunnels, so you can find one that’s just right for your ferret. You can even get ones custom designed for your furry pal.

Recommended You Read:https://ferretvoice.com/best-ferret-toys/

Soft & Cute Rubber Toys Small parts and soft, squishy toys are another favorite of ferrets. Your little pet will have hours of fun playing with rubber toys that come in a variety of shapes, colors, sizes, materials, and materials. Like tunnels and tubes, these toys come in many different types, including ones made of soft plush materials. These soft toys make excellent ferret toys because they’re not just safe but very cuddly as well.

Ball Pit Ball pits are another selection of ferret toys that are perfect for keeping your playful pets occupied during long car rides. The soft materials they are made to make them safe to play with for a long time. Some come with lids so you can keep them clean while others are made with mesh covers so they can be washed with a mild detergent.

Durable Plastic Toys These types of ferret toys may take some extra effort to clean, but they are very durable. Unlike other ferret toys, they do not lose their grip over time and need only a quick wipe down with a damp cloth. The material they’re made of is usually vinyl, which means it can be easily cleaned with a sponge or a washcloth. They are also very easy to transport, which makes them ideal for home. If you are a first-time buyer, then plastic is definitely the way to go.

Chew Toys, also called ferret treats, are the most popular choice of ferret toys among first-time owners. While they are not meant to be a substitute for food, chewing toys are the best way for ferrets to exercise and keep their small bodies in shape. A good chew toy should allow your ferret to stretch its little legs at least two times its length. Like all ferret treats, chew toys need to be made out of strong, durable materials, like stainless steel, so they won’t rust or deteriorate over time. You might want to consider a chew toy with a rubber squeaky sound feature for added fun.

Tunnel toys and Cat Toys Small balls and small cages made specifically for cats can make great ferret toys as well. When cats tunnel, they use unique tunnels that serve several functions. Not only do ferrets get to exercise, play, or lie in wonderful tunnels, but cats can keep themselves warm and safe from predators in the wild. Small balls and tunnels are also a great option for pet ferrets who love to hang around water, and even smaller cages work great as cat toys because they can be easily carried around and stored when not in use. Remember that if the tunnel or ball is too large, your ferret could injure itself or become stuck.